Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 13: Missing my scale ...

Something you don't know about Nate (my husband): He is a sneaky, sneaky man.

When we were prepping the house for our little experiment, he went around and removed our off plan foods. Sure, makes sense. He even hid my grandmother's cookie jar (which was STUFFED with Pocky and chocolate). He also hid our scales.

One of the "rules" for the experiment is refrain from scale hopping for the duration of the program. Now, I've had cravings for diet soda, for bread, for sugar in the last 13 days ... but nothing like my craving for DATA.


Not this guy. But I hear he's fully functional. HEH.
I will fully admit to being a scale hopper. I even have a fancy Aria scale that wirelessly uploads my data to my own personal website where I can make charts and graphs. I wear my Fitbit. I track my sleep. I check my blood sugar. I even have a log (HEH) in my bathroom where I write everything down, just to have a hard copy.

Now, there's a hole in my data set .. and it bugs me. Even more ... I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE HE HID MY SCALE!

Late last night, I was SO jonesing for a data fix that I was manically searching the upstairs for my scale ... throwing towels and linens askew ... almost in a panic. And I was in my underwear. Just FYI.

But why? WHY?

Well, I'm a results driven, goal oriented person. I need to KNOW that I'm making "progress" and that "progress" should be 100% measurable. And I guess, in the past, the only (important) measure of  "progress" was a number on the scale.


I know. There are other metrics. There's number of steps in a day. There's blood sugar levels. There's measurements. There's fat percentage. There's how you FEEL.  HOW I FEEL????!!!??? Honestly, the idea of HOW I FEEL as a success metric is icky to me.


I  find it interesting that the  "HOW I FEEL" metric is icky to me ...that a number is more valid (in my own mind) than my own assessment of my current state. Maybe I don't trust my own assessment? Maybe just "feeling good" is not "enough"?

Maybe I'm rambling and navel gazing and boring the crap out of you?

LOOK! The funniest cat video EVAR:

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