Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 32! Or the End! Or is it?

First, a hearty THANK YOU to everyone cheering us on during our little adventure. All the support we have received from everyone has really made this experiment work. There were a few times where I said to myself: Dude. This is dumb. Go get some cheese.

And then I thought about having to come here and publicly shame myself ... and that helped me survive.

Second! I know you are ... perhaps ... curious ... as to our results. So was I! Drum roll please.

  • Lost 11 pounds
  • Lost 5 inches
  • Lost 2% of body LARD
  • Fasting blood sugar dropped 20 points
  • Lost 8 pounds
  • Lost 4 inches
  • Lost 2% of body LARD
I want to state, for the record, we did not do any increased exercise. Just same old stuff. Also, Nate did not track foods AT ALL. 

Other stuff that I noticed:
  • Less hungry between meals (and less stabby)
  • Less joint/back pain
  • Better sleep
  • Little/no allergy symptoms
  • Better mood regulation

Third. What happens next?

Well, that's a damn good question. Let's start with Nate-Dogg (REGULATE!!!!!).

Nate says that he is basically going to keep the same diet however beer and other goodies will make an appearance from time to time. He already "reintroduced" booze last night. It seemed to be fine.

Jen. Ah, Jen. Jen will now refer to herself in the third person. THIRD PERSON JEN! Jen is going to continue on this crazy ride for a bit longer. As STRAIGHT UP CRAY as it may sound, Jen really doesn't miss cheese or booze or bread or sugar. And Jen doesn't really relish the thought of potentially making herself ill reintroducing them. Now, don't get me wrong. I KNOW JEN. Like personally. And I KNOW that she will eventually want wine and cheese and other stuff. But just not RIGHT NOW. SO ... if it ain't broke ...

FOURTH MEAL. Do you have advice for other people trying this Whole 30 thing?
  • Invest in tupperware for lunches and snacks.
  • PLAN AHEAD. Read menus before you go to the restaurant. Pack snacks. Being prepared will save your ass.
  • Breathe. It's just food. 
  • Get as much variety as you can. Salad every day for lunch will kill your spirit.
  • Don't let yourself get too hungry.
  • Don't let the haters get to you. YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT!
  • Don't be a hermit. You CAN go out. You CAN hang out with friends. It is POSSIBLE.
  • Sign up for the daily mails from the Whole 30 people. They really do help you stay motivated.
  • Be accountable. Get a buddy. Start a blog. Do something so you aren't alone.
FIFTHLY. What is next???

Well, I still haven't decided the particulars. I like the idea of another challenge (that I get to whine about on this blog). I'm thinking it's going to be both YOGA and FitBit related. More to come.

Again, THANK YOU for playing along at home!

Ok ... Freddie ... play us out.


  1. Yay!!! Congrats on finishing! I just binge read the entire 32 days. :)

    Having been on this pony ride a time or two myself, I will say how AMAZING it is once you get clean of the crap (sugar, flour, etc), that you can look at it and be "whatever". However, I will throw in, fwiw, that it only takes eating it one time for that to get re-set and the cravings come back. So, you have to be superduper on patrol if you're going to treat yourself at all.

    And! On the topic of data, have you ever tried I do love that site, though haven't used it in a while...

    And, to throw my two woo-woo cents in, I say try doing an energy clean-out daily w/ your yoga challenge. Just cause, I find that when I get funked up with energy, that's when I want to eat all the crap. When I clear out that crappy energy, my desire to eat junk goes waaaayyyyy down. And I feel much more calm, clear and sane.

    Whatever you do, good luck m'dear. You're obviously going to rock it.

  2. Wow! Keep it up. I'm a firm believer in yoga and walking ;) Love you, MamaCharlene
